Nearly every day we are confronted with the problem of keeping the environment clean. Whether it is our own personal spaces or the public environment as a whole, there is a constant media reminder on the importance of this issue in relation to the survival of our species. If and when this problem is solved will prove to be a watershed moment in the history of mankind, moving us from a purely consumerist society to the next level.
But maybe we are looking at the problem of saving the planet from the wrong direction.
Already in elementary schools throughout the world the idea is drummed into the heads of our children, that the survival of civilization is based on our sustainable use of oil. With the majority of the population equating oil = fuel. But the situation is much more complex and serious than that, given the vast number of substances, preparations and manufacturing processes that depend on oil as a raw material, not just for energy.
The consequences of running out of fossil fuels has long been debated, and if there are no major changes to how we work and play, it would (and will) have catastrophic effects on our daily lives. So something needs to be done, and soon.
Ultimately, it will fall on the chemicals industry to find a way to recover, recycle and ensure the optimum use of our remaining oil and other fossil fuels, if not to find an entirely renewable and affordable source of energy.
Whether it can be found in time to avoid disaster remains to be seen, but at present it seems that either we must change our ways, or find renewed efforts and money for research in the chemicals industry, or else.
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