Top 7 Ways that Chemical Industry Networking is Better Online

23 January 2019

Any half-decent businessperson will tell you of the power of networking.

Meeting new contacts, discussing the industry, and finding solutions to work challenges; All of this and more can be done at a networking event or conference.

But in the same way that shopping, dating, and even friendships have gone online, so too has networking. But is that a good thing?

In many ways, yes, online networking has advantages over face-to-face meeting with chemical industry contacts. And here’s how;

1. Convenience.

The modern chemical industry is very international, so the ability to network without leaving your office or even your home makes life much simpler. Today, chemical business networking can be done anywhere with an Internet connection; on the train to work, waiting for a bus, in the minutes between meetings … anywhere.

2. No travel.

No connecting flights, no traffic jams, no soul-less hotel rooms. Online chemical industry networking is cheaper, saves time, and is better for the environment.

3. Recorded Conversation.

Unlike at a conference, online networking can maintain a transcript of what was discussed. This can be referred to even years later, as your online networking account maintains a full record of your contacts.

4. Easy to connect.

No more business cards. No more schmoozing. Online networking shows you who in the network you have most in common with. Need to bring one of your team in on the discussion? No problem, online networking allows for multi-connectivity. Alternatively, networking accounts can be set up as a team, so selected staff can participate. No duplicate emails, no cross-talking, your entire team can stay ‘in the loop’.

5. Ongoing.

Online discussions and networking continue for as long as someone has something to say, so there’s no need to squeeze all you want to say and hear into a two-day event.

6. Speed.

Without the formalities and etiquette of face-to-face meetings, online networking allows participants to get to the point more directly. ‘Here is a topic I want to discuss. Let’s talk.’

During the last century, contacts made were more personal, and maybe lasted for decades, as people stayed in their industry or even with the same firm for their whole working lives. Today, this is less common, with people changing jobs and industries multiple times in their careers, the need for a personal, friendly connection with someone is much less important.

7. Chemical industry focused.

Online networking is able to stay on topic as well as any conference. For example, the SPOTCHEMI platform (who host this page) has been designed for chemical industry professionals to meet, interact, present themselves and their companies, discuss industry trends, and even make offers to buy and sell chemical products, all in one chemical industry hub.

Providing instant access to over 300,000 chemical industry companies, SPOTCHEMI, is a clear example of how online networking is best.



Photo credits: Taxjustice, Fime, Jabil, JellyFishHealth, & Chemconsultants