Only as a registered user can you take full advantage of the opportunities on offer.
Registering on Spotchemi allows you to make an inquiry to buy or offer to sell products, but it does not force you to use the site. So you are safe to register, however low or irregular your trading in chemical products is.
We pride ourselves on a reliable and secure business environment, and therefore non-genuine companies, or those with a questionable financial history, are refused registration.
The registration process will be handled by our call centre team. All you have to do is fill in your company details in a simple form. This will then be checked by a qualified ratings agency, granting you a line of credit to use on the site. We will inform you of your successful registration, receive your €136 ($176) registration fee and allocate you credit and trading options via email.
Then, you are free to discover the benefits of this new and more convenient way of trading. It is so easy to respond to a supplier or close a deal with a simple mouse click. Alternatively you can anonymously request to buy goods at a lower than normal price and wait to see who responds.
You can also use Spotchemi for hard to find products, as our database contains thousands of products and tens of thousand of companies, enabling you to find new customers and suppliers without leaving your own home/office.
You can use Spotchemi as often or as little as you like, as there are no fees for making trades, only in raising a line of credit. If you do not need more credit, you pay no fees.
Spotchemi is here for you. Please do not hesitate to contact us.