Why You Should Start E-Networking, Today.

1 February 2016

Everyone in business needs networking, especially those in the chemical industry. Without it no one will know who you are or what your chemical products are.

Our parents and grandparents had an easier time of networking. In the days of the ‘Two-Martini’ lunch industries were smaller, more tightly-knit communities, where few products or people were unknown.

Today’s world is far noisier and busier, leaving less time for Martinis; even after work. Which means that chemical traders must work smarter not, harder, as no one can network an entire planet.

To help us with this 24/7 business environment, networking is increasingly moving online. So it is no longer necessary to make small talk with a handful of potential contacts out of the thousands in the conference hall. Instead, communities are forming where like minded business people can share non-confidential information, discuss industry trends and simply connect; person to person.

By doing so, they are making connections with like-minded business people, from trusted sources. Much like our forefathers did over long lunches, only because the communities have so many members, your networking efforts spread deeper and wider. Furthermore, contacts can be filtered, so that you know you are talking to the right people.

Check out these communities to see the modern face of networking. Achilles can be found at http://www.achilles.com/ or ASQ, which can be found at http://asq.org/communities-networking/topic-industry.html.

Whilst these communities offer general support, it is also useful to find networking sites for your specific products and niche industries. Whilst it can be informative to talk business with the Director of HR for a marketing company, it will only make you rich if you are in marketing.

Instead focus your online networking where your competitors, suppliers and potential clients are based. For example, https://www.spotchemi.eu/ is an ideal online, trading hub and networking community where you can meet people with a passion for industrial chemical products.

Specialised digital networking enables chemical traders and manufacturers, suppliers and buyers to meet new contacts and grow their businesses. It is time and cost effective, so is suitable for firms of any size, and being online it is also a global service that enables you to reach into new chemical markets, anywhere in the world, whenever you like.

Perhaps, we are being sentimental to romanticise the days of the long business lunch. For with it came the 6am business call to clients in a different time zone and the long haul flight to sign the contract.

So don’t miss the ‘good old days’, instead embrace modernity, for it means that you can simply network from home with your tablet. Could making business contacts be any easier?